Flashback !!! Nick Carter at the CNE

I have loved the Backstreet Boys for about 16 years. I have been there since the beginning, and no matter what they do and how my music choices grow with age.. I will always love the Backstreet Boys. Words can't really express how excited I was when I found out that the one and only Nick Carter was going to be performing at this years CNE. The CNE always puts on some great shows, but really? Getting a BACKSTREET BOY is pretty much just amazing.. To be honest, I haven't really followed Nick's Solo Career, as its not really the type of music I listen to now a days, but I was looking forward to seeing if he stuck to his BSB roots during his live show... and yes, yes he did... The show was a total flashback to 1999 and my 16 year old self... watching Nick dance and sing his cheesy tunes, and listening to the crowd of girls scream their faces off, was highly entertaining.  Although at some points I felt the show was pure cheese, I couldn't help but be entertained. I personally loved the fact that he still pours water over his head to make the girls scream. It kills me everytime. I also did not quite understand the end of the show, and why he was dressed in a space suit.. but really, I dont think it matters. Overall, Nick proved that he still has his boyband quality that I have loved since I was a kid and I cannot wait to see BSB when they tour again !!

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