FALL OUT BOY is back to "Save Rock and Roll"

Music isn't about age or race or gender or genre or what is cool, or isn't cool or what is "popular" or whatever at the moment. It's about that moment when you are crammed into a venue, and the lights go out and you hear the guitar cords start and the band walks out on stage and the crowd goes insane. It is in that moment when you realize that it doesn't matter if it is considered "cool" or not, but all that matters is how much you insanely love that band and their music.  Welcome back to one of my all time favourite bands, FALL OUT BOY.

Words can not really express my excitement when Fall Out Boy suddenly announced that they were putting out an album and going on tour after a 5 year break from the music industry. When I found out that there would be a show in Toronto, I pretty much freaked out. Fall Out Boy is easily one of my all time favourite bands. I saw them on every tour, bought every album, managed to get myself backstage on more then on tour and obessesed over Pete Wentz for much of my teenage years. To me, Fall Out Boy was the perfect mix of Pop and Punk and Rock and everything I love about music wrapped up into a perfect group of young men. 

Now the young men are a little older, although Lead Singer Patrick Stump has seemed to have turned back the aging process since he has lost weight and changed his hair, and Fall Out Boy is back with in my opinion, one of the best albums I have heard in a long time. From the title track of "Save Rock and Roll" with Elton John, to the first track on the album "The Phoenix" to the song about how music is always there for you "Alone Together", I have had it on repeat since it came out. 

As far as the concert goes, it was everything I remember a Fall Out Boy should be, a great mix of dance tunes, new and old tunes and the slow tunes. Of course there was "Sugar We are Goin Down" and "Dance Dance" and they ended with "Saturday", complete with Pete Wentz jumping down to get closer to the crowd. I danced the whole time and it brought me back to a time in my life when music was number one, and reminded me why it was. The guys will be back in town, this time playing at Echo Beach with Panic! at the Disco in September, and I highly suggest that you go. For Now, check out some photos from the show. 

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