Random Adventure #10974

 am all about the random adventures and this past weekend made for a pretty awesome one!  I actually had a day off from my extremely hectic job that I just started so I took the opportunity to hop in the car with some amazing company and drive over 2 hours.. to .....wait for it.. WHITE CASTLE! yes, the place that makes tiny burgers.

If you have seen Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, and you live anywhere in Ontario, you are aware that we do not have a White Castle. Man, us Canadians are missing out!  Those tiny burgers are freaken yummmmy! They totally lived up to the hype!

The closest White Castle to here is in Port Huron, Michigan, which is right over the boarder from Sarina. It is a small town, with adorable houses and a nice beach.
Overall it was pretty awesome day off.

Its summer, and I am seriously loving my life right now, I have a good job, good friends, my site is getting hits (even thanks to the haters) and I am just happy. So thank you to everyone in my life <3

1 comment:

  1. You and your random adventures! lol
    I <3 you!
